Artist collective (Hisao Sotoda and Keiichi Miyagawa) / Kitakyushu, Japan

Good night - Oyasumi

Before TV was digitized, all the TV programs ended at midnight with a still or moving image called closedown (sign-off). It could just be a simple image of color bars with a sine wave tone or a video of swaying flag or landscapes and people’s life of the country with national anthem as a background music. The work, Good-night—Oyasumi, collected the images and videos played by various TV broadcasting companies around the world.

Hisao Sotoda is a member of artist collective Second Planet in collaboration with Keiichi Miyagawa. They produced OUR SONG, Collection of youtube clips playing the Japanese national anthem "Kimigayo" by amateur musicians, for Daegu Photo Biennial 2012 and Kitakyushu Biennial 2011. Their works are presented at Fukuoka city Museum for Arts, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Arts, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art.

Keiichi Miyagawa is also a member of artist collective named SECOND PLANET. His works have been presented at Aichi Triennale 2016, Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong 2014, The Kitakyusuh Biennial 2013, The Taegu Photo Biennial 2012, ZK/U Berlin 2012, Hotel Asia Project at Organhaus Chongqing 2012, Maebashi Media Festival 2012, International Curators Forum YOKOHAMA 2011.